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Americans and Russians are friends!

We, the people must stop the division between two great nations. We are not only united by red, blue and white. We are connected as peoples!

The 4th of July is the day of us - We, the people.

We, the people must stop the megalomaniacal and war-mongering criminals in Washington DC before these puppets of their string-pullers do any more damage to this beautiful world.

We, the people must stop wanting to be the greatest nation on earth. This megalomania has harmed the world enough. We are a great nation with great people. But there are equally great other nations, for example the proud people who form the Russian nation.

We, the people must stop trying to tell the whole world that the American way of life is the only right way. It is a way of life, our way of life. But it is not the only possible lifestyle.

We, the people must educate our politicians or send them packing. We have not won one war since 1945, but we have brought untold suffering and destruction to the world. The figures who are supposed to improve our lives as politicians in DC make them worse with every war. American soldiers are supposed to defend our people. But not the interests of the rotten billionaires who line the pockets of our politicians.

We, the people must make America stop supporting Nazis. From Hitler to Selensky, we have supported every Nazi system. We protected the worst Nazis from punishment in 1945 and are doing so again in Nazi Ukraine in 2023.

We, the people must finally tell the world: we are good. We want to get along. We are not Washington DC, we are ashamed of it.

We, the people must clean up America.

We, the people can look to Russia and see: There is a life without LGBTQ, without wokeness, without tattoos, without climate narratives and with slim young people!

And nevertheless we can say with all our hearts:

We are proud to be Americans - and we can learn from you.

Just like we rejoice with every Russian who sings loud:

Я РУССКИЙ - I am a Russian!

Shaman: Russia, you have a future and someone to build it. This new generation is boldly looking forward, loving their country and confidently declaring themselves: I AM A RUSSIAN!

I am a American and love you guys!

Happy 4th of July to all the peoples of the world!

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