The truth is indivisible. Only the minds into which it does not enter can be divided.
Peter Bamm
Resignation requires character.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
All people are allowed to think, but many are spared it.
Curt Goetz
To be a blameless member of a flock of sheep, one must above all be a sheep.
Albert Einstein
Scholars are people who differ from ordinary mortals in their acquired ability to delight in prolix errors.
Anatole France
It's easier to nod with an empty head.
Zarko Petan
I'm tired of seeing through people. It's so easy, and it leads nowhere.
Elias Canetti
The unconscious is much more moral than the conscious wants to admit.
Sigmund Freud
I don't think about limiting myself just because people don't accept that I do things differently.
Dolly Parton
Every meaningful word strikes terror into the limbs of the stupid.
It would be stupid to be angry with the world. It doesn't care.
Marcus Aurelius
11 quotes that illuminate ignorance from both sides - the positive and the negative.
Because ignorance has two sides.
The positive side is often hidden from people. Only the negative side is easy to play with and manipulate, which is why it is omnipresent.
The negative side of ignorance is stupidity. So if you blow into people's brains that ignorance is stupidity and therefore something negative and then teach them that tolerance (putting up with any stupidity) is a positive thing, you have unlocked access to their brains and, in a second step, to their subconscious.
At this point, you can then transport any, but really any nonsense into their wide-open brains, which - due to tolerance - are not allowed to defend themselves against the nonsense. Suddenly, you can foist a cold on them as a plandemic, sell CO2 as evil and re-educate them that there are many genders.
Only those who have or have developed a positive ignorance are dangerous for the system; they are not accessible for manipulation. They don't allow themselves to be told anything but evaluate what they see for themselves.
What they want.
What is good for them.
What is good.
What is right.
What is bad.
What life means.
Positive ignorance is a core competence that you develop with LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS.
LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS safely uncouples you from all narratives, fairy tales and influences and thus ensures that you and your subconscious mind stay the course you have chosen and do not allow yourself to be influenced by anything - no matter how evil it may be.
Your self-protection through positive ignorance protects you on all your paths and helps you to recognize yourself every day and again and again:
Soon after starting your own research you will embrace the mantra of LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS every day better:
The best is yet to come!
The limits in the concept for LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS are explained in this piece:
Self-protection through Positive Ignorance