The Laws of Life - Based on The Hermetic Principles
Seven principles explain the world and our life, not twelve as sometimes told
The laws of life are ancient knowledge of humanity.
Understanding them will make living without limits much easier. The Laws of Life were first published in this form in the USA in 1908 in Kybalion. They are based on Hermeticism and the underlying texts in the Tabula Smaragdina (Emerald Tablet) and the Corpus Hermeticum. The basis is texts and knowledge traced back to ancient Egyptian and Greek cultures.
However, the background and history of its origins are not necessary for understanding and applying the laws of life. It is important to understand the laws themselves. They are simple and straightforward, so I explain them as they are and not with overcomplicated constructs.
There are seven laws of life (Hermetic Principles):
1. The principle of mentalism
Spirit is energy—the universe and everything in it are spiritual in nature. Everything arises from spirit, which shows that matter is only manifested and materialized spirit. Every thought has creative power because this is the only way the creation process becomes possible.
2. The principle of correspondence
Our thoughts and beliefs are reflected in the universe. “As above so below, as within so without” is the Hermetic thesis. Everything that happens to us is a reflection of our behavior and thoughts.
3. The principle of vibration
The universe is constantly vibrating, everything is vibrating and moving. A vibration is a medium that randomly attracts certain situations. Like always attracts like, consciously and unconsciously.
4. The principle of polarity
Everything in the universe is polar and has two poles: short and long, high and low, and cheap and expensive. The poles are always manifestations of the same thing, and never different things.
5. The principle of rhythm
Everything in the universe flows eternally and continuously in a tidal rhythm. Everything flows, which constantly changes, and nothing can stay the same. Therefore, nothing is static, nothing remains unchanged because everything is constantly changing. The seasons, ebb and flow, and the cycle of life from birth to death are examples of this, as well as the Ying and Yang in Chinese culture.
6. The principle of cause and effect
Nothing in the universe exists without a cause. The control cycle for this is that something must first be thought of (cause) for it to exist (effect). There are no “coincidences”; rather, when it comes to “coincidences”, only the cause is unknown to us. Everything in the universe follows laws, so there are no coincidences. Cause and effect occur at different levels, organized hierarchically from top to bottom.
7. The principle of gender
Everything in the universe has male and female parts. The male part is the active, directional one, and the female part is the passive one, which accepts and executes. Both parts exist in every human.
What is striking is that there are seven laws of life, following the magic number 7. Coincidence? You can now answer the question yourself...
To LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS, without the knowledge and application of the laws of life, is like driving a car without gasoline - it is impossible. In this respect, if you want to live and grow without limits, you must deal with life's laws. You have to learn to apply these, then you will quickly LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS.
That's why I will return to this topic again and again.
The laws of life are your driver's license to LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS. I will be happy to assist you with that. Bringing the laws of life to your life changes your view of life and makes you aware every day:
The best is yet to come!
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