The Limits of the LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS Lifestyle
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you …
“What's that again?” you might be asking yourself.
The limits of LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS are a contradiction!
LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS applies to your life, experiences, values, decisions, courage, and growth. But LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS does not mean living recklessly and showing no consideration for people, animals, the environment, or things. Nor does it mean living thoughtlessly and doing first and then thinking afterward. And least of all, it means living without commitment because to LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS requires a high degree of commitment to oneself and possibly others daily to keep agreements with oneself and others.
LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS can be reduced to an elementary denominator:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
This well-known proverb is based on the Golden Rule, enshrined in almost all religions and philosophies. No rule of life has been discussed more widely and controversially in the history of philosophy; the linked article provides an outline.
LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS can only be successfully practiced in harmony with the world—with all other people, animals, nature, and the environment.
“Wrong!” you may be shouting now. “That doesn't apply to many people who LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS, the rich, the CEOs!”
You might be wrong.
Let's make a distinction.
Most managers don't LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS. They often live a borderline life in a hamster wheel, but not a limitless life. Some are either inconsiderate or thoughtless and, in the worst cases, both. They are often non-committal towards their stakeholders, the environment, and people. I know many top managers who only realized this when they retired. But here, too, it's better late than never.
The situation is different for rich people. Many here have built up their wealth in harmony with the world, and many also give a lot back to the world according to the motto 'Living is Giving.' Many in this group of people certainly LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS.
Think about why these people have become rich.
By chance?
Many people may believe this. But anyone who understands and applies the basics of LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS will not reach this conclusion. Most people in this group have—consciously or unconsciously—followed the laws of life and achieved the logical result.
Some people are now saying or thinking: “Entirely wrong.”
Then please think again and find an explanation for why, given the same starting conditions (talent, money, other resources), one person becomes successful and wealthy and the other does not.
Find a better explanation than the laws of life!
I help you — you won't.
The sooner you understand this and bring it into your life, the sooner you can LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS. And then you will recognize better every day:
The best is yet to come!
Everybody who wants to LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS must particularly develop one skill: Listening.
Here you can find some ideas on listening:
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