The Pleading of Dr. Heinrich Habig for reading
A monument to freedom, decency and humanity. Words that (will) make history!
Dr. Heinrich Habig is a practicing doctor of naturopathic medicine in Recklinghausen (Germany) and was sentenced on June 29, 2023 by the 12th Criminal Chamber of the Regional Court of Bochum (Landgericht) under the presiding judge Petra Breywisch-Lepping to two years and ten months imprisonment without parole.
The closing statement by. Dr. Heinrich Habig is a document of contemporary history that will survive the years. It is handwritten in impressive clarity on small check paper by Dr. Heinrich Habig himself. The writing out betrays a great deal of clarity, inner calm and sovereignty. This closing word is written as if from one cast. With a clear handwriting. And almost no revisions or corrections.
After I made the conclusion available as a podcast (German language by now), I received many requests to make it available as a text. I am happy to comply with this request.
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High Court,
Dear representatives of the public prosecutor's office,
Honored attorneys,
Honored jurors,
Dear audience,
Dear friends, Beloved Jeanny, my wife,
Dear Wilfried,
Thank you for your extraordinary plea. I have never experienced a lawyer like you, who was so committed, invested so much work and dealt intensively with so much non-specialist medical matter for the benefit of his client. Thank you. With your lived Christian attitude, God put you in just the right place.
When I was arrested and handcuffed, the officer told me, "I'm sorry. You did everything right and you don't belong in jail."
When I finally landed in my detention cell in the quarantine station of the pre-trial detention center on eight square meters (86 sgf), I felt it like a full stop of my life so far. For more than 20 years, I had been together with my beloved wife on a daily basis, and now I was abruptly separated from her. Every day I worked with her in three different practices. I suddenly could no longer treat or counsel patients. In the course of my working life I had developed a certain work addiction and I had a pronounced helper syndrome. I was able to continue to pursue my helper syndrome in prison, but every day I was alone for 23 hours in eight square meters. So I had to deal with myself. Later, when I got work, I again had plenty of opportunity to help other fellow prisoners. Either as a doctor.
There seems to be a small piece missing at this point, because it continues from now on with page 1B.
As often as I could, I visited my uncle in his office and was allowed to be present in his doctor's office when he examined and treated patients. Wherever possible, he used naturopathic or biological therapies and remedies. With great success. He was very popular and had over 3000 patients. He often took me on home visits as well. Later, during my studies, I completed a clinical elective with him in a country doctor's office. My fascination for this profession and for my uncle's special therapies, as well as my uncle's gentle, good-natured way of dealing with his patients, was strengthened even more by this clerkship. As an obstetrician, he delivered all of his children's babies at home, whom I was later privileged to treat again in my practice. Dear uncle, everything went on well and you have many great-grandchildren.
At the age of six, I had to undergo surgery on a bilateral herniotomy. Here very near in the Elisabeth Hospital. Here there was another meeting that set the direction for me with the head of surgery, Dr. Schüttemeier, who showed me the operating room where I was operated on and also the scalpel with which I was operated on. I was fascinated and didn't want to leave the hospital at all, especially since the chief surgeon took me with him on his chief rounds every day. When I had to have a second herniotomy several weeks later, my parents were surprised that I was so excited to be allowed back into the hospital, even though they still had the ether drip anesthesia at the time, which caused some physical problems afterwards, but I accepted them. In retrospect, I would say that even in early childhood, 100% from the age of six, my career aspirations were clear. I wanted to become a doctor and nothing else. For me, this was not a chance encounter.
But now it was time for school. I struggled through elementary school, but was still able to go to high school. I changed grammar schools several times and shortly before graduating from high school I ended up in Bergkamen because my father could become a director of studies there as an art teacher. And we children had to go along to our father's new place of work. At the same time, my father bought an old farm, which my siblings and I had to renovate every day after school. This period coincided exactly with the preparation for the Abitur. I studied mostly at night and thus missed the numerus clausus required at that time.
That's why I enlisted in the Bundeswehr to train as a reserve officer. I also considered possibly studying medicine through the Bundeswehr. But after two years of defending the law and freedom of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Leopard main battle tank, I started working in the hospital as an intern and drove a cab in the afternoons and at night to earn money. I got along very well at the hospital and was able to continue working there as a nursing assistant after the internship. I applied for an apprenticeship in nursing and completed one and a half years there only because I then got a place to study medicine in Münster after passing a medical test. Besides, I did 4 to 5 night duties per week in the hospital Lünen Sankt Marienhospital, in order to finance my studies, because I did not get Bafög. During these night shifts, I gained the practical experience that my studies had deprived us of. After the night shifts at the hospital, I went back to Münster to the university lecture halls. The best lectures by the most interesting professors were always in the morning at 8:00 a.m. I fought fatigue in the lecture hall so as not to miss anything. I caught up on sleep in the afternoon. I tried to do all the exams quickly in order to be admitted to the medical exams (Physikum) on time. In the hospital, at night between 1:00 and 3:00 there was little activity in the outpatient clinic, so I could retire to a doctor's room to study for two hours. Then came the intensive lecture-free preparation time for the Physikum with 10 to 12 hours of studying and reading for eight weeks, interrupted only by jogging runs around the Aasee in Münster.
At night I woke up and had a pulse acceleration as if my heart wanted to jump out of my chest. I consulted an internist, who could not find any physical disorder in me, but prescribed me beta blockers for my vegetative symptoms, which, however, led to complete apathy and adynamia in me, which was rather counterproductive for my medical exam preparation, so I discontinued them and intensified the runs around the Aasee.
14 days before the physics exam I had another dentist appointment and got two amalgam fillings, which caused me to have a violent increase in blood pressure. Only later in my professional life did I learn that each amalgam filling contains 50% mercury and leads to many physical impairments. I passed my physics exam and immediately looked for a professor who could get me a doctorate. The professor I found was the head of the Hygiene Institute and gave me a job in the laboratory. Ergo a practical work with different bacteria, which I should test against different cephalosporins (these are special antibiotics). I was to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration for all these antibiotics, that is, the concentration that completely inhibits a germ from growing. The cultures I made were put in the incubator at a certain temperature for 24 hours. The next day, I took the cultures out of the incubator, counted the bacterial colonies and plotted them on graphs and made graphs afterwards. After four months, I handed in my paper, neatly printed, to the professor. The next day he called me in and told me he didn't like the results on the Klebsiae. He could not fly to Tokyo to the Takeda company with these values. So I should falsify my results or make corrections until the company could like the result. It was about different antibiotics, which showed no effect at all on Klebsiellen, which can cause dangerous pneumonia in children. (The text says could) I told the professor that I did not want to participate in this fraud and withdrew my work. My fellow students told me similar things, but fulfilled the wishes of the professors without a guilty conscience.
For passing my physics examination, I received an expensive pathology book as a gift from a pharmaceutical company. Why, I learned years later, when I received a visit in my practice from exactly this company, who tried to claim the consideration for this gift. They wanted me to test drugs on my patients for them. I offered them that they could take the donated book back.
After three more state exams, I was finally a doctor and could choose from several departments where I wanted to work, in the hospital I knew like the back of my hand because I had worked here for years on night duty. I chose anesthesiology and intensive care. So I had the most beautiful job in the world and even got paid for it at the end of the month.
Sometimes I worked almost 72 hours straight without sleeping. I worked like I was in a trance and yet I never let anything happen to me. There was never any carelessness or medical malpractice because the lives of my patients entrusted to me were sacred to me.
Another experience in the hospital reinforced and euphorized me regarding my career choice. Since sleeping or resting is rather a luxury in the hospital, I strolled through the corridors of the individual departments at night to keep moving until the next beep from the intensive care unit. At 2:00 a.m., I spotted a trail of blood in the hallway of one ward, presumably caused by a patient. The blood trail led from a room to the restroom and back again. I followed this blood trail and found a comatose, chalky 5-year-old boy in his bloodied bed. He had shallow breathing and a severely accelerated pulse rate. I immediately got on the phone with my attending, who told me to take the boy to the OR immediately, he would be right there. The little boy had a tonsillectomy (a removal of the tonsils) during the morning with the complication of postoperative bleeding. Using the switchboard, they had the ENT doctor called, and he showed up in the OR ten minutes later. The little boy had lost almost half of his blood volume and he needed several blood units to have a normal hemoglobin level again. The ENT doctor had severe difficulty finding the artery that was rebleeding. We fought for the boy until 5:30 until he finally landed in my ICU at 6:00. At noon during rounds, he was sitting happily in bed and I was in tears of happiness. A human life saved. That gives so much motivation and releases happiness hormones. If no one had happened to stroll down the hall, what would have happened? With such a sense of achievement to have preserved a life at the still right time, they float on cloud nine for weeks. It's a good thing that the little patient never knew how bad things were for him. We all had a guardian angel that night.
Four weeks later, it had hit me. I had once again worked three days and nights straight, went home exhausted to sleep, woke up two hours later with a fever, chills and pain in my lower left leg. I dragged myself to the nearby hospital to the surgical outpatient clinic. The doctor on duty seemed overwhelmed and placed two IVs in my left and right arms, one for an antipyretic and one for a broad-spectrum antibiotic. By now, I had a temperature of nearly 40 degrees. As the night progressed, I was additionally bundled into a bed filled to the brim with ice cubes because my temperature would not come down. I was already hallucinating and perceived everything only as if behind a frosted glass pane. I think I was already briefly on the other side. Now my bed was pushed to the room at the end of the corridor. Everyone who works in a hospital knows what that meant. I continued to be cooled and given one antibiotic after another. At night, the colleague on duty got a call from, of all people, the dermatology colleague he was friends with, who wanted to invite him to dermatology for coffee. But the surgeon told the dermatologist he couldn't leave because a seriously ill, feverish colleague probably wouldn't make it through the night. This interested the dermatologist and he came over to the surgery to see what might be causing the fever. He came in, saw my lower leg, and told his colleague that this was completely the wrong treatment. He said I had an erisypel and needed high doses of penicillin for the strep. The fever went down to 38 that night and later to 37.5 and I was able to get out of death row and back to the regular room in the morning. Coincidence? I wasn't supposed to die yet, someone was watching over me again. I was not told the story until after my delirium of fever. My immune system was so disturbed by the umpteen different antibiotics that my intestine had virtually none of its ten to the power of 25 bacteria left. I needed some more time to restore my microbiological balance.
Back at work with many more great experiences. Every day I was in the delivery room placing a peridural catheter between contractions to reduce pain for pregnant women who were already in the final stages of labor. For this reason, I attended a great many births. Each time an experience. Once I got to deliver a woman in an elevator. The baby had the umbilical cord around his neck and was fawning. I unwound the umbilical cord and the baby screamed so loud. And the little head was filling with blood and I could feel its heart. To be able to hold such a small living being in my hands, I felt like a grace. A perfect being with all organs and everything in the right place. A miracle of nature, a divine being. It was made clear to me again and again that each of us is an idea of God. Each of us is unique and irretrievably unique. And nature has arranged it in such a way that we must protect and help each other and that we must never be tempted to cause suffering to others.
Some years ago I was allowed to listen to the Hippocratic oath in the original in ancient Greek spoken by the mayor of Kos on Kos, the place of Hippocrates' activity, within the framework of a week for doctors who wanted to learn natural healing methods. In the Apollon Theater with hundreds of other doctors. It was a poignant moment for my wife and me, and at that moment I was proud to be a doctor. An absolute privilege.
After various activities in several hospitals with many emergency doctor missions on the emergency ambulance in cooperation with the fire department and the police, we were able to save many lives through fast, coordinated behavior and good technique, which always made us all very happy and gave us the feeling that we were the right people for exactly that.
After the hospitals, I began a six-month internship in Gelsenkirchen with a doctor of naturopathic medicine. This doctor was a real natural authority with a lot of knowledge and even more experience. He wrote several books on experiential medicine and biological therapy methods and put it all to use in practice. I learned how to use ozone-oxygen therapy, microbiological therapy, adjuvant cancer therapy, neural therapy and chiropractic therapy. On his advice, I attended the appropriate courses and completed the additional designation of naturopathic medicine.
Then I acquired my first own practice from an old miner's doctor, which in the meantime had dwindled to a few patients. After a short settling-in period, more and more patients came to me. Mainly because they wanted to be treated biologically and with natural methods. I additionally acquired the acupuncture training with the classical TCM training. I tried to treat exclusively all patients with natural healing methods who asked for it. My main focus was on the chronically ill and out of treatment patients who took many chemical medications but did not feel any improvement in their diseases. Quite the opposite. With each additional medication they got worse. I learned neuralkinesiology and psychokinesiology. I was able to help many seriously ill patients well. This new treatment needed a lot of time because the patients had to do many things differently and needed explanation and help. Chronically ill people became healthy and did not need chemistry anymore. I worked with dentists, did detoxification as well as microbiological therapies. What we did in the practice 30 years ago is now becoming more and more popular with many doctors and patients. For the acutely ill patients with flu, influenza, acute sinusitis and acute bronchitis we had complex homeopathic cocktails, which we administered with our own blood or ozonized own blood. These acute therapies helped quickly and had no side effects. For patients who had frequent acute illnesses of this type, extensive intestinal rehabilitation followed. In cooperation with dentists, damaged teeth could be rehabilitated and existing toxic burdens could be eliminated. We referred to this as health blockages. The goal of all therapeutic interventions was to restore the autoregulation of the divine immune system. So the patient learned, among other things, through accompanying changes in dietary habits, how to keep himself permanently healthy without a doctor and without chemical drugs.
All of this was exhausting and very time-consuming, and it also kept my practice team very busy. One day early Friday evening, my completely overworked receptionist cried at me, "You can't save all of humanity, can you?" I was very surprised and spontaneously said, "But you can at least try."
During the Corona period, we continued to successfully implement exactly this therapy concept. Most of the patients who were ill with Corona were thus able to recover fully within a week without any after-effects. Only one patient of mine had to be hospitalized for a week. Two others had high fever and needed intensive therapy with ozone, oxygen and high-dose vitamin C infusions. The therapy lasted 10 to 12 days until all symptoms were eliminated.
In my practice, not a single patient died from it during the Corona period. On a daily basis, we eased patients' fear of Corona and gave them helpful concepts on how to exercise their immune systems and keep them fit. I kept reassuring my patients that together, in love and with God's help, we would get through this crisis. My patients chose to come to my practice for naturopathic treatment. Throughout my time as a doctor in clinic and independently in my own practice, there was never any medical malpractice. I have never been sued by patients or medical professional organizations. I have always respected my medical confidentiality and adhered to the Hippocratic Oath and the Geneva Vow of the World Medical Association. The patient's right to self-determination, as demanded in the Geneva Vow, has always been sacred to me. I have never done anything against the will of a patient.
Here in pre-trial detention I had the opportunity to read a lot, including books by committed, courageous doctors and dentists who told about their experiences during the Corona pandemic. Letters from colleagues I did not know also reached me here, expressing their solidarity. We doctors have a great profession and give our heart and soul to our patients every day and get it back a thousandfold. We have been placed by God where we are needed. Many new patients came to me during the Corona period seeking naturopathic advice and education and concerned with the effects and possible side effects of the upcoming vaccination. I had no medical information from the scientific medical journals that I had in my mail week after week. As hard as I searched for it My empiricism in dealing with the annual flu wave, flu-like effects and influenza was the only thing I could serve the patient with. Something was completely new, the fear and panic and despair, as if the world was coming to an end. It was important for me first to bring more objectivity into the debate, to reduce the fear and to talk about sensible prophylaxis, as in the past years with every upcoming flu wave. There was no official information on the effect or side effects of the upcoming vaccination. In the years before, especially from older patients the request for a flu vaccination was addressed to me. The effect had always been doubtful, but the side effects were well known and therefore fewer and fewer patients had themselves vaccinated over the years. I recommended that people eat a different diet, do moderate exercise in the fresh air, and follow some sensible biological therapy concepts that had been proven in practice. Some patients kept wanting ozone, autologous blood, infusions and high-dose vitamin C infusions, and intramuscular vitamin D injections. Some kept getting infected with panic fear from their work colleagues and the media. For these patients, I had a wonderful infusion of choline citrate and vitamin B complexes, as well as oral biologic adjunctive medication.
Mandatory masking and blanket PCR testing as rapid tests, as well as laboratory PCR testing for air travelers, were now the primary topics in the public eye and thus in practice. A 17-year-old young man came to my practice as an emergency case with severe headaches and visual disturbances as well as speech disorders. With the pulse oximeter we detected a severely reduced oxygen saturation of 92%. He had hypercapnia with consecutive cerebral hypoxia, which explained the headache, visual disturbances, and speech disturbances. This condition was life-threatening and was produced by permanently wearing an FFP2 mask during a five-hour math test. With O2 inufication and an ozone infusion, it took us almost two hours to resolve the speech as well as visual disturbances. The headache decreased in severity, but did not disappear completely until 23:00 that night, ten hours later. By the way, the normal oxygen saturation is 99%. Below 90 % there is an acute danger to life. Irreversible cerebral damage is possible at values around 92%. Incidentally, in the industry, after 70 minutes of FFP2 mask use, it is mandatory to breathe freely for at least one hour, i.e. without a mask in fresh air.
Vaccinations were imminent and panic was steadily increasing. In Recklinghausen, the first vaccination center opened 400 meters from my practice. Some of my long-time patients asked me if they should get vaccinated and if I could then treat them biologically because of any side effects that might occur. Although I did not know at all what complications and side effects could come up, I answered in the affirmative and said, however, that I could not guarantee therapeutic success because there was no information about it. Even colleagues contacted by phone could not help me. There was only helplessness and hopelessness, which I did not want any patient to notice.
Therefore, I decided at this point to consider it my main task and my sacred obligation not to leave my patients alone in this crisis. Now came the freelancers and self-employed with their threatening business losses and existential fears. I listened to them and reassured them. Every evening and every morning I talked to God and asked for help, because he had never let me down in my work as a doctor and had always provided miraculous healings in my practice in the past. I always reminded patients of the power of prayer.
In the practice over the next few weeks, seizure-like anxiety and panic attacks increased in many patients, especially mothers with multiple children. Patients came to me who worked in panel doctors' offices and were themselves ranting and raving. Of peculiar accumulations of certain diseases (myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis) after vaccinations of young athletic men after mRNA vaccinations. Coincidence? Exception? Panic? Psyche?
The employers of these patients also became somewhat skeptical and saw certain correlations, but did not dare to say so.
At that time, a seriously ill patient came to my practice who had already been vaccinated twice in Marburg. He had the last vaccination 14 days ago. He had a high fever, could hardly breathe and came dragging up the stairs to my practice. Fever of 39.8 degrees, rapid pulse and oxygen saturation of 93% and pain on breathing. Laboratory parameters Corona AK of 35,000, radiologically an atypical small area pneumonia, cephalgia, heart palpitations, visual disturbances and extreme fatigue and exhaustion. The first true corona illness after two vaccinations. A vaccine breakthrough with severe complications. He came daily for treatment. After twelve days he was well again and we could avoid hospital treatment. Unfortunately, because of the severe pneumonia, we had to do an additional specially tested antibiosis. And therefore subsequently initiate a symbiotic treatment with Mutaflor and Effective Microorganisms. I was happy to have saved someone from hospital treatment with consecutive ventilation.
A very young mother suddenly came to my practice unannounced, crying and hardly able to speak, she was so upset. After she had composed herself, she told me that 48 hours ago she had delivered her baby healthily in the hospital, and today she had been in her apartment for only an hour to get something for the baby. "And now," she sobbed, "I can't go back to the hospital to see my baby because I'm not vaccinated."
A police officer, a single parent with one child, was about to be fired from the force because her colleague, with whom she rode patrol, had complained to the chief about her vaccination status.
Stories like this were piling up in my practice. Many were on the verge of losing their jobs. One mother came to me crying, "I don't want my son to die." I asked "Why?" "My son lost his best friend yesterday. He was only 18 and always in great shape and suddenly died an hour after a Biontech vaccination. My son has crying fits, can't sleep, and is traumatized because he's never experienced anything so horrible in his life."
Pregnant women asked me if I could guarantee that nothing would happen to their baby if they got vaccinated.
Meanwhile, I was working in my practice from 7 a.m. to midnight, and I couldn't get any sleep either because of all these impressions from my practice.
A woman over 80 years old who had a home place in a nursing home came to the practice with her caregiver twice a week for a special injection because she had undergone surgery in a lung clinic. The caregiver told me that since the vaccination program at the nursing home, there were 3 to 4 rooms vacant every day and the elderly woman in her care did not want to have a vaccination now because she did not want to die yet.
I heard from patients that after vaccination they had lost their father, mother, aunts and siblings to sudden stroke, heart attack or cerebral venous thrombosis.
A woman in my office, unknown to me, screamed and cried "They are trying to kill us all." I immediately took her into the doctor's office and calmed her down because she was further inflaming the already upset atmosphere with her screaming.
I kept trying to convey calm, which was not easy because I no longer had answers to many questions. A small virus made mankind completely crazy. Viruses were necessary in the context of evolution. That we as humans could evolve at all. Bacteria, viruses and parasites all have a task and are not superfluous or evil. We have daily contact with millions of viruses that train our immune system. Millions of bacteria colonize our skin and create a PH that protects us. Ten to the power of 26 different bacteria live in our intestines, which not only make our digestion possible and the absorption of minerals, vitamins, trace elements, but also represent our intestine-associated immune system, without which our life would not be possible at all.
So now a virus should change everything. Cholera and plague did something, so they were necessary. The Spanish flu caused 50 million deaths worldwide, despite prescribed covering of the mouth. Have we learned anything? Everyone can answer that question for themselves.
Of course, there were also many patients who were determined to vaccinate with all the consequences. Before my eyes, a 52-year-old prisoner from Macedonia died of a sudden stroke here in the remand center during the free hour. After the third inoculation with several fellow prisoners, we put the patient in position for resuscitation and were about to begin when we were sent to our cells by a nurse and JVA officials. I, as a physician, was prevented from helping a person. It was a terrible feeling not to be allowed to help. The patient died in front of our eyes in the recreation yard without adequate help.
My work as a doctor in the last two decades was only possible because of the constant help of my beloved wife Fatima, who not only worked with me every day in the practice, but also relieved me of many tasks and encouraged and comforted many patients when sorrow and pain were particularly great. She has encouraged me to persevere when sometimes in the past I wanted to give up in despair. She has accompanied and supported me. During the many seminars in our practice as well as during my lecturing activities at home and abroad. Without her, all this would not have been possible. God has placed an angel at my side who is still fighting for me now. Thank you my darling, for this life at your side.
A few more lines from our professional code of conduct.
§2 - General medical professional duties
1. the physician exercises his profession according to his conscience, the precepts of medical ethics and humanity. He shall not recognize any principles and shall not observe any regulations or instructions which are incompatible with his task or for which he cannot be held responsible.
(2) The physician shall exercise his profession conscientiously and shall comply with the trust placed in him in the exercise of his profession. In doing so, he must orient his medical actions to the welfare of the patient. In particular, he must not place the interests of third parties above those of the patient.
Perhaps I will conclude with a word from a scientist, because science has accompanied us over the last few years.
Werner Heisenberg (quantum physicist):
"The first sip from the cup of science leads to atheism. But at the bottom of the cup, God is waiting."
Every human being, every living thing on this planet deserves respect because we are all God's miracles. Each one of us has a task and his right to live. We have no right to kill or destroy other living beings. We are here for each other and must help each other. The divine message is love. All-encompassing love for the entire animate and inanimate world. When do we begin to lovingly embrace this wonderful world?
Shakespeare once said:
"He who denies love desecrates the soul we owe to God."
If I am criminalized for helping people, then that is just the price one must pay for defending humanity.
I receive letters and postcards from all over Europe with encouragement and expressions of solidarity. I am happy and proud that there are people like you. Acquaintances, patients, friends, strangers, vaccinated and unvaccinated people write to me.
One man wrote to me: "Because I was coerced by my employer, I had myself injected twice at the end of 2021. I thank God that so far I feel no permanent damage. My wife has resisted and is unvaccinated. Unfortunately, there are very many health deficiencies in my area that did not exist before. I am now resolute and determined to never take another m-RNA injection. We have started a small anti-vac group here in town." End quote.
One woman wrote to me "Almost every gene treated person in the area has had problems ranging from mild to death. My nephew died at the Moritzburg Castle Triathlon on 11/06/22. Injected twice. The young 19-year-old was an athlete through and through. And then an acute myocarditis according to autopsy. The boy was a sunshine. He trusted in what he was lied to. How many such fates are there worldwide? People need to wake up." End quote.
We are tampering with God's work. This is human hubris. We tamper with creation because we have lost humility before creation. To reduce the fullness of what we experience in life to what science can describe would be to reduce the incredible divine aliveness of a human being to a few formulas.
Benjamin Franklin (one of the founding fathers of the United States) once said.
"He who is willing to give up essential liberties for short-lived security deserves neither liberty nor security, and in the end will lose both."
A few years ago, I was saved a third time from certain death at 220 kilometers per hour on the freeway at 1:00 a.m. by divine providence when I was forced onto the grassy area next to the guardrail for a few 100 meters without damage to the car by tapering off the passing lane.
I believe God was still using me for something important. No power in the world can stop me from keeping the commandments of God.
Thank you for your attention.