When you think of limits, perhaps the first things you think of are speed limits, weight limits, participant limits or gun limits. And you may have been brought up to think that all these limits are appropriate and right. You are allowed to do that and it is not forbidden.
But then please don't read any further. I don't want to destroy your perception of the world.
I don't think any of the limits mentioned are worthy of consideration or reasonable.
On what grounds does anyone tell you how fast you are allowed to drive?
In Germany, where an infinite amount of nonsense is prescribed to people, you can drive as fast as you want in many places. No government in the world has the right to regulate how fast you can drive.
On what grounds does an airline tell you how heavy your dog can be in the cabin?
You can't base the training of a dog on how much it weighs. Another example of moronic limits.
On what grounds are quotas, which are nothing more than participant limits, enforced for women, blacks and ethnic groups?
To oppress those who do not belong to the group. They are completely moronic, like the vast majority of limits.
And on what grounds does the government prohibit you from carrying guns?
In Europe you can currently see where this is leading, where people are being stabbed by illegal immigrants every day and are unable to defend themselves. Every ban on weapons serves exclusively to maintain the state's monopoly on the use of force, i.e. the organization that oppresses you.
So we see that limits are first and foremost an instrument of power, they serve to oppress and control people.
For each of these limits, LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS applies without restriction, which does not mean that you cannot make the pragmatic decision to observe one limit or another.
However, it is important for your soul that you recognize the absurdity of these limits, as otherwise you will often not recognize the much worse limits that restrict you.
Most important for you and your development, however, are the boundaries as defined by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Kant laid the foundation for the theoretical and humanistic definition of limits in his works Critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Practical Reason and Critique of the Power of Judgment, among others. In future posts, I will explain in more detail why an understanding of Kant's philosophy can help you to LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS. Today I'll just give you a quote that can point you in the right direction:
It is so comfortable to be immature. If I have a book that has reason for me, a pastor who has a conscience for me, a doctor who judges my diet for me, and so on, I don't need to make any effort myself.
Immanuel Kant
For you, limits may lie superficially in the purely real, easily tangible area described first. Here I will show you ways to transcend these limits. However, many more limits often lie in the area that you are not aware of, that is anchored in your subconscious and from which you live unconsciously on a daily basis.
All your thoughts, judgments and actions are defined and limited by these mostly unconscious limits and prevent you from your personal way to LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS - even if you would very much like to. You limit yourself every day:
Your adherence to conventions and beliefs (you don't do that, you can't do that, if everyone did that, where would that lead, that's the way it has to be, there's no other way, etc.)
Judgments (what is he / she taking out, this is bad, this is good, this is valuable, this is worthless, this is bad, this is wrong, this is right, etc.)
Your self-limitations (I can't do that, I don't want to do that, I'm not allowed to do that, I've never done that, what do others think about me, what do I think about others, how do I evaluate situations, how do I evaluate feelings, how do I evaluate thoughts, etc.)
If you want to LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS, you will set out on the path. You will deal with your limits, with what I call the Circle of Challenges.
You will:
(F)ind your limits
(E)xperience these limits
(E)liminate your limits
(L)et go of your limits
This is the FEEL method, which I have been using and living successfully for many years and which I have developed to perfection over 40 years. I have been thinking mainly in English for many years and at the beginning I didn't even realize that this abbreviation was no coincidence. Today I know that the abbreviation is no coincidence, because the abbreviation means "feeling". To LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS with the FEEL method brings you into harmony with your feelings and your subconscious because it familiarizes you with a control loop that leads you to yourself.
I will explain how this works, why it works and for whom it works here in the future.
I will take you on an exciting journey. Let me know what you think about this.
And I end as always with the claim of LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS:
The best is yet to come!
I'm a slow developer, it has taken me almost eighty years to finally find enough of the truth to see the genuine wisdom in your words. It is late in life, but I plan on continuing this journey into the truths that so many do not even seem to suspect exist. Thank you for your contributions to that journey.