Words of a Hero - The Pleading of Dr. Heinrich Habig
Dr. Heinrich Habig (MD) was sentenced to 2 years and 10 months in prison without parole for helping people in Germany during COVID times
When fascism returns, it will not say: "I am fascism" No, it will say: "I am anti-fascism".
Ignazio Silone
Heinrich Habig is a hero.
Because he did not give in to fascism. This final word is a piece of contemporary German history and documents how decency and morality were removed from public life in the "new normal" Germany.
It picks up exactly where the heroes ended 80 years ago in front of the People's Court (Volksgerichtshof, the worst court of the Nazis). For example, Prof. Dr. Kurt Huber in his closing speech before the People's Court:
They have deprived me of the rank and rights of professor and the doctoral hat I earned 'summa cum laude' and put me on a par with the lowest criminal.
The inner dignity of the university teacher, the open, courageous confessor of his world and state view, cannot be robbed from me by any treason proceedings. My actions and intentions will be justified by the iron course of history - I trust in that. I hope to God that the spiritual forces, which make it right, may be released from my own people in time.
I have acted as I had to act out of my inner voice. I take the consequences upon myself according to the beautiful words of Johann Gottlieb Fichte (German poet):
And you should act in this way,
As if on you and your actions alone depended
The fate of German things,
And the responsibility would be yours.
75 years of the cult of guilt and the culture of remembrance have achieved only one thing - they have cemented and further developed fascism in Germany. The outer framework for this is the construct „FRG = Federal Republic of Germany", but this still dawns on far too few people, because the total dumbing down under the label "democracy" (= rule of the mob) has worked perfectly as a camouflage of fascism. And works more perfectly than ever before, what the 29.06.2023 with Heinrich Habig's sentencing has more than proved.
The fascism of the III Reich was perfidious and evil. The People's Court persecuted races and political opponents. Otherwise, people lived largely free, which my parents and grandparents credibly told me.
But such freedom is a thorn in the side of the Berlin regime of the New Normal Reich under the Unity Party (FDP - Greens - CDU - CSU - SPD - Die Linke - AfD). Quite in front those with the „F“ (for „Free“) in the designation, which want to take away by the arbitrariness of the "man" - or "woman" - being the people also still the last orientation in the life soon.
For these apocalyptic oppressors, no definition of persecution categories is needed anymore.
Guilty is who does not worship the state sect.
Guilty is he who helps people in refusing to worship them.
Guilty is he who does good.
"Guilt" with the Nazis followed residual legal standards.
"Guilt" with the New Normal fascists needs no standards, no framework, no law. Humanity and humanity is deeply repugnant to the New Nazis - at least when it serves ordinary, hard-working and decent people. If Heinrich Habig would have stuffed his pockets, if he would have jabbed until he was tired, if he would have shouted Slava Ukraini five times a day into the world ("Heil Ukraine", the new "Heil Hitler") and if he would have kept his mouth shut otherwise - he would be filthy rich and free now.
Morality is something that is deeply abhorrent to fascists and their worst manifestation, the Berlin New Normal dictators.
CumEx? No problem.
(Tax fraud covered by the German chancellor)
Wirecard? Never mind.
(Collapse of Wirecard company covered by the German politicians)
Mask deals? Come on!
(Cash back payments to German politicians for Covid mask deals)
Delete text messages? Was there something?
(Deletion of shady EU deal by head of EU von der Leyen with Pfizer)
Corruption? Everybody does it.
Such "democrats", i.e. such scum, are deeply suspicious of deeply believing people with morals and values. These scum are simply disgusted by a doctor and a person who helps a mother to get to her newborn. This scum naturally finds it reprehensible when such a person and doctor places the wishes of the people seeking help from him in the center of his actions and not the wishes of the scum. This corrupt scum understands even less when such a person and doctor does not cash in fat on the need of the people and simply helps.
The scum flows in broad streams through the FRG and many other societies of the "Free" West and what does the majority of society? They look away, hold their nose and believe the news (MSM). Because they are in the country where they "live well and gladly"!
But there is the good news in bad times!
There are heroes like Heinrich Habig, who ends his closing words impressively:
If I am criminalized because I have helped people, then that is the price you have to pay for defending humanity. ...
No power in the world can prevent me from keeping the commandments of God!
That's right!
EVERYONE who has understood and applies the laws of life, everyone who lives without limits, everyone who lets himself be guided through his life by morality and decency, knows that these fascist minions, these moral hollow bodies and spiritual garden gnomes will perish.
We will witness the downfall of the disgusting scum who call themselves "democrats". Because free people despise scum and those who represent them. Despise, not hate. For we know incontrovertibly what will happen when we have disposed of this scum forever:
The best is yet to come!
A world without politicians.
A world without child trafficking.
A world without states.
Not possible?
Think big, not small ...
Here you can read the original pleading: