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Welcome on YOUR way to yourself — LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS
LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS is the solution for your path to yourself. You've reached your destination if you've tried everything and haven't found yourself yet. LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS is the path to yourself that doesn't send you on detours but lets you arrive—with yourself.
LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS is not the twenty-fifth esoteric psycho-program that doesn't work and only costs you your time as well as your money.
LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS is the way of life that gives you the tool for it — FEEL.
(F)ind your limits
(E)xplore your limits
(E)eliminate your limits
(L)let go of your limits
To summarize: Find yourself - Find to yourself - EVERY day, starting today.
LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS offers you all the content every day:
All resources on the FEEL concept
Contributions to all aspects of LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS
Daily notes and hints
LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS publishes an average of 20 articles per month.
There is no comparable offer teaching you FEEL anywhere.
How to join:
You can choose from 3 offers.
1. Paid subscription for $80 / year or $8 / month
Unlimited access to all posts
Contributions for members only
Workshops and video calls
Chat for members
2. LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS Learning for $500 a year or $50 / month
All services, like a paid subscription
Learning group LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS Learning 2-weekly LIVE
Development of your individual solution for you
Direct conversations
Direct support
I only offer this program after an introductory meeting.
I charge a one-time fee of $200 for the introductory meeting.
Statements from Subscribers of LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS:
Who is your host?
LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS has guided me since I was fifteen, over fifty years now. I developed LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS for myself decades ago and have found that my concept has helped people better than any other concept when training, coaching, and mentoring. That's why I pass it on to other people.
I never needed my master's degree in psychology and education - because my concept is better than all the concepts I have learned and, therefore, know. I have been very lucky in my life and have learned from great mentors who were considered the most successful entrepreneurs in the world in the 1990s.
Germany was always too narrow for me, so I left for a good many years ago and now live on the American continent.
I was and am a mentor and companion to many successful people and live by the motto LIVING IS GIVING. And, of course, every day until my last day according to the motto of LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS:
Start your journey to LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS today by clicking on the red button below this post. It's worth it!