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Cancer - German thoroughness - A genocide concept Made in Germany

LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS — The Podcast — Cancer 3


When dealing with the topic of cancer, there is no getting around Dr. Matthias Rath. He is a controversial doctor who is introduced on Wikipedia as follows:

Matthias Rath (* 1955 in Stuttgart) is a German doctor, alternative medicine practitioner, AIDS denier and conspiracy ideologue. He is considered the founder of ineffective "cellular medicine," which he promoted as an alternative to combat cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and immunodeficiency. Due to his dubious activities, he is repeatedly sued and condemned.

Let's take this as a badge of honor because anyone defamed like this on Wikipedia must have done many things right.

I take my hat off to Matthias Rath, who, more than ten years ago, correctly and comprehensively analyzed the madness that the psychopath regimes of the "free" West are up to.

I do not recommend him as an advisor on the subject of cancer, as, in my opinion, he has not recognized the problem and the cause or is concealing it. No matter what - the pills and remedies he sells do not solve the problem; they only help him but do not harm anyone. It's a shame that they don't usually cure cancer. It's easier and cheaper than with Matthias Rath. But this criticism doesn't just apply to Matthias Rath; there are plenty of "enlightenment" doctors who sell bullshit at exorbitant prices and operate on the edge of the medical profession or constantly cross that line.

Matthias Rath apparently knows nothing about Alfons Weber, the cancer researcher. Either he is keeping quiet about him, or he really doesn't know him—neither of the alternatives speaks for his competence.

None of this speaks against him, but it does call for caution.

I consider Matthias Raths' analysis of the past, present, and future to be one of the best current analyses in the world—even though it is over ten years old.

That is why I have not only technically improved and translated the lecture video but also printed the entire text of his lecture here, which I have only slightly revised linguistically (removing the references to the location of the lecture).

Don't let Dr. Rath and his analyses demotivate you; it always applies:

The best is yet to come!

LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS is a reader-supported publication. My German readers helped me to become a bestseller. Now, my English readers will help me take the next step. Thank you to YOU!

What do I mean by conquering the world?

Dr. Matthias Rath

Well, you have to imagine that there is a group of people with an army of scientists who have set out to conquer nature. This group of people, BASF, Bayer, and Höchst, is where this knowledge and the economic potential of this knowledge come together.

In other words, they were copying nature and appropriating nature through patents. This gave them the idea: Why only in Germany? People worldwide should benefit from our knowledge, but only if we earn money.

To achieve this, we had to do one thing. We had the knowledge. We had to extend the patent law to other countries and the world by military means if necessary. They searched and found.

As early as 1904, Carl Duisberg wrote in a memorandum that the German chemical industry had the right to own the world. They were only looking for the henchmen who would help them. The henchmen were found in Berlin. Wilhelm II sent him on his way, but not alone. He was given the means. For example, a BASF 1910 patent produced bombs from the air - 70% of air consists of nitrogen. If you fix the nitrogen in the air, it becomes ammonia, the basis for TNT.

Four years before the First World War, the guys had figured out how to produce bombs from the air. Fantastic! A Lego brick made from the nitrogen molecule, high pressure, and high temperature gave them the idea of applying this knowledge.

That was the beginning of the First World War.

Bayer, the other company, also contributed by inventing the first chemical warfare agent, mustard gas, also called Lost, for Lommel and Steinfeld, the two inventors.

And then the money-making began. It was like printing money. They sold these weapons and made hundreds of millions from their plans for world conquest—a fantastic marketing model.

Of course, they sold here to the government of the time.

In 1918, after 20 million people had paid with their lives for this first attempt at world conquest by the chemical pharmaceutical cartel, the Kaiser was sent into the desert. The masterminds cared little.

They took the next step just eight years after the end of the First World War. IG Farben was founded as a cartel consisting of Bayer, BASF, and Höchst. With a company value of 11 billion Reichsmark and over 80,000 employees, IG Farben was the planet's largest chemical and pharmaceutical concentration.

The Board of Directors confidently called itself the Council of the Gods.

Yes, how could it be otherwise?

They possessed nature; they had recreated it. They had understood and recreated it; now, it was all about owning it. It made you feel like the gods. After all, you immediately found the next person to help you implement these plans. Also, this happened in Berlin.

The headquarters of IG Farben was in Frankfurt. However, the political and military planning of this second world conquest campaign by the IG Farben cartel or the chemical-pharmaceutical cartel was planned again from Berlin. IG Farben poured over 40 million Reichsmark into the Nazi election campaigns. No other company sponsored them more.


On January 23, 1939, Austria was annexed, the Czech Republic invaded, or, instead, the peripheral areas were annexed. The chief legal planner in Rostock gave a speech, the Conquest Speech, in which he specified precisely which laws and administrative acts would have to be applied in the occupied countries.

His name?

Walter Hallstein.

Economic law, social legislation, patent law, administrative regulations, and, of course, the law on blood and honor would be introduced in all areas of the new Greater German Reich, i.e., Germany and the conquered territories.

January 23, 1939, was seven months before the start of the Second World War. So they had the cheek to announce their plans quite openly. Anyone who wants to read this speech can do so printed in its original form in the book "The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU," Chapter 2.

The Second World War was, then, and I say this deliberately, a six-year military marketing campaign to conquer the global chemical and pharmaceutical market for IG Farben. Then, as now, they put profit before life.

At 24 square kilometers, IG Auschwitz was the largest industrial complex at the time and a wholly owned subsidiary of Bayer, BASF, Höchst, and other IG Farben companies.

The Auschwitz concentration camp was turned into a mass camp for IG Farben slave labor and a mass extermination camp. You can find more information about this on the website We have dug up over 40,000 pages from the Nuremberg Tribunal - not just any tribunal but the tribunal against the chemical and pharmaceutical cartel at the time.

Here are some documents from this trove, unearthed from the US National Archives. They were not documented anywhere for 70 years and were not to be found on the Internet. Now they are here and at the link above.

People said they were such terrible henchmen, these SS people who carried out these human experiments, perverts. That was only half the truth. The other half was that many of these perverts were on the payrolls of Bayer and Höchst.

The fact is that the tested drugs there, or the chemical substances that were administered to these innocent people in the concentration camps, were labeled Bayer, IG Farben Aktiengesellschaft. The preparations had no name but were coded because they were patent-protected preparations.

A picture from the official documents of the Nuremberg Tribunal against these crimes proves this: The owners of these substances were not just anyone; the patent specification belonged to IG Farben Aktiengesellschaft. Do you remember the Lego principle? The substances tested there followed the old pattern. This time, they combined two nitrogen molecules to create a so-called azo compound or chemotherapy.

As early as 1936, Bayer left no doubt about their intent with their pharmaceutical products and the pharmaceutical industry: to make the whole world happy.

Another picture from the documents of the Nuremberg Tribunal proves: The General Plan East was defined. Germany, Berlin, was to become the center of economic and political power on this planet. Eastern Europe and the rest of the world were described as compliant consumers and slave laborers.

Another document from the Nuremberg Trial.

They had just conquered Paris and were at the success rush's peak. IG Farben wrote a letter to the Nazi government entitled "The position of the German Reich patent in a European economic area under German leadership." Common currency, common patent law, common patent jurisdiction and and and. That was what was most important to them.

Control of the world via patents.

This experiment also went wrong; the second world conquest was impossible militarily.

The US Chief Prosecutor Telford Taylor in Nuremberg:

Without IG Farben, the Second World War would not have been possible.

Here are the figures, including the one from Nuremberg. The dependence of the Nazi Wehrmacht on the production of IG Farben in 1943:

Synthetic rubber 100 percent

Synthetic oil 100 percent

Poison gases 95%

Explosives 84%

Bayer and BASF produced 84% of all bombs used in the Second World War.

And also medicine.

Blood serums 100%

Medicines 55%

Not surprisingly, 24 Bayer, Höchst, and BASF directors were indicted in Nuremberg in Case 6.

Bayer director Fritz Termeer was sentenced to nine years in prison for genocide, enslavement, plundering entire countries, and other war crimes.

Did you know that?

Imagine the directors of Bayer, the flagship of the pharmaceutical industry, which likes to be celebrated as the benefactors of humanity, accused and convicted of the worst crimes against human rights.

After 1945, the winners split the fate of the Nazi-IG Farben coalition. The Nazis, i.e., the military and political rulers, the puppets, were sentenced to long prison terms or death. The economic beneficiaries and masterminds of the Second World War were soon re-established as captains of industry in post-war Germany. The shares of IG Farben, the main war booty, came under the control of the Rockefeller and Rothschild investment groups, and from then on, the pharmaceutical-chemical cartel became internationalized.

Why this background?

We often believe that an economic sector, an industry, or the pharmaceutical industry cannot risk millions of lives knowingly. We don't believe it. Take chemotherapy and cancer, for example.

The answer is very sober. These interests have helped bring about two world wars, with a total of 100 million deaths. And they will do so again and again.

The history of the pharmaceutical cartel from the Second World War to the present day

The technocrats of the Nazi-IG Farben coalition are back in power. We have already mentioned Fritz Termeer. In 1956, the war criminal Fritz Termeer became the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of post-war Bayer AG.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. The chief legal planner of Europe under Nazi IG Farben rule, Walter Hallstein, became the first president of the new EU Commission in the same city, Rome, 18 years after he had been in Rome with Hitler and planned post-war Europe together with Mussolini. For ten years, he became the architect of what you see today in Brussels.

Against this background, who is surprised at the lack of democracy?

That was 70 years ago. If you like, the architect foresaw this and created an authority that functions fantastically. Twenty-seven bums have been appointed, and these are the EU Commissioners. They have an apparatus of 54,000 career technocrats at their disposal. None of them are democratically elected; nobody knows them. And they govern Europe. They can issue directives without parliament that are binding for 500 million people.

The EU Parliament has 736 members. For every EU parliamentarian, 80 technocrats ensure they are not caught up in mischief.

Europe today

The pharmaceutical and chemical cartel appoints the EU Commission, not the citizens.

Five hundred million people are isolated from this and occasionally allowed to vote for a parliament. The Parliament, which meets the wall that protects the EU Commission, has no rights and no influence on the EU Commission. It cannot initiate laws, which is a fundamental right of every democracy. Most people don't know this.

The real power holders show their power openly, then, as they do now.

50% of our lives already belong to these interests.

For example, advertisements in German magazines Fokus, Spiegel, and Stern.

You wake up at 7:30 a.m.; the fluoride in your toothpaste belongs to us, the chemical cartel. At 7:35 a.m., the ink in your newspaper comes from us, the chemical cartel. The silicon in your cell phone comes from us, and so on. The packaging of your yogurt for lunch comes from us—your chemistry.

They make no secret of it.

There is another interesting fact about natural therapy and natural remedies. One of the first steps taken by the EU Commission was to set up a European Food Safety Agency. The name supposedly means a food safety agency. Of course, this is only a pretext. The most important task of this agency is to ban natural remedies throughout Europe. Tens of thousands of these substances have already disappeared from the market, all under the pretext of health protection. We have to protect ourselves from the oh-so-bad side effects of vitamins. Any such agency is not scrutinizing chemotherapy.

The economic and political control function of the chemo business with the cancer epidemic

When you get a cancer diagnosis, it's standard in the minds of most therapists, like a switch: cancer, chemo.

What is the main side effect of chemotherapy? More cancer. How could it be otherwise when you poison the body and the cells? That's the cause of cancer. One poisoned cell and that's not the only thing. It creates a pyramid of new diseases—cardiovascular diseases, immune deficiencies, organ damage, and much more.

Keeping the cancer epidemic alive fulfills a marketing function: expanding the markets and disease markets.

It also fulfills a psychological function. As long as cancer is with us, this scare factor is there. Cancer, my goodness. And it's cultivated anew every year around Christmas time. With the programs you have there. Whether it's the Bild newspaper (the most significant German newspaper) or Carreras (a singer who holds cancer charities), donate to find a solution for cancer finally.

Do you realize the brainwashing that is taking place?

So it's no wonder they already use these figures for planning. The World Economic Forum published a figure in the USA that if we don't manage to get these diseases under control, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and some other non-infectious diseases will consume 34 trillion euros in 2030.

In other words:

A stack of 1 euro coins is enough to go around this planet 1.5 million times. That is equivalent to this sum—three times the gross national product of all EU countries combined—per year. How on earth is anyone supposed to be able to pay that? But they are already being told today.

The government does not explain it clearly.

The explanation is simple:

If the widespread disease of cancer continues like this, the spiral of illness will drive up social costs. It will lead to the ruin of entire economies, as it is already doing today. It will exacerbate international economic crises, as it is already doing today.

And then the boys will come, the puppets of the cartel, and will say, we are your saviors. All we have to do is introduce a few laws that will give us the power to save you. We're at the same point where the guys, 80 years ago and 70 years ago or 65 years ago, failed to achieve by military means.

The Greek bailout in the 2010s was just the beginning.

Observe the EU summits and the EU from the point of view that the fundamental democratic rights our ancestors fought for in fierce battles should not be given away again under any pretext or organized pressure.

When you see the rights of intervention delegated to Brussels, compare them with the book's second chapter, economic law, social legislation, and patent law. The only thing you won't find in the new Brussels plans is the law on blood and honor. That has gone out of fashion.

I call on the people of Germany to take responsibility. Twice in history, our people have allowed themselves to be harnessed to economic interests whose declared aim was to conquer Europe and the world by force. Twice in history, the people of Germany, incited by the insatiable greed of the chemical and pharmaceutical cartel and the power-hungry henchmen in politics, brought millions of victims to Europe and the world.

My grandfather fought in Italy in the First World War, the chemical and pharmaceutical cartel's first attempt at world conquest. The cartel's economic plans for world conquest were cleverly concealed behind a belief in the Kaiser and Germanism and the omnipresent reputation of the place in the sun.

My father fought in France, Russia, and North Africa during the Second World War. In the meantime, they replaced the Kaiser with Adolf Hitler as the new political puppet of the cartel. My father and grandfather refused to talk to us children about the war. They had both experienced the horror of these wars for many years.

However, the most frightening thing for me today is that neither of them had a chance to understand until their deaths that they were misused for the same economic interests and their attempt to conquer the world militarily. My family is another reason why I am speaking so clearly.

We, the people of Germany, have a unique opportunity today to show the people of Europe and the world that we have learned from history. We will no longer allow ourselves to be taken in by economic interests whose goal is the financial and political subjugation of entire peoples and who will sacrifice millions of lives to achieve this goal. I call out to Mrs. Merkel and her entire cabinet:

The time is over when you, the people of Germany and Europe, are hoodwinking them with slogans such as, if the euro fails, then Europe will fail. We say that this Europe that you, Mrs. Merkel, Mr. Sarkozy, and all the other political puppets of the cartel are trying to sell us as a modern Europe has a rotten aftertaste. It reeks of the drawers of the imperial and Nazi eras in which these inhuman plans to subjugate Europe to the cartel originated.

We also see, Mrs. Merkel, that the path of your European model is paved with the corpses of almost 100 million victims from two world wars, slaughtered in the cartel's earlier attempts to conquer Europe and the world together with your predecessors in the German chancellery.

On behalf of millions of people from all over Europe, we say today that there will be no Europe where people are subjugated to the interests of these economic conglomerates for generations to come.


We call on the people of Europe to join us in building a democratic Europe for the people and by the people. To Mrs. Merkel and all the other political puppets of the cartel, we say in no uncertain terms that we do not need your euro. This currency fulfills only one function. It is the chain with which millions of people in Europe are chained like slaves to your economic dictatorship.

The people of Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and all the countries being blackmailed by the Brussels cartel commissioners with the sentence: "If you do not submit your country to our conditions, you will be threatened with insolvency." We urge you all not to allow yourselves to be put under pressure. The politicians who are now putting you under pressure are the puppets of the billion-dollar pharmaceutical fraud business with the disease that has sucked your country dry for decades and helped bring about this economic crisis in the first place.

We call on you to break the enslaved chains of the euro in your country and reintroduce your national currencies. To the people in those countries that have yet to adopt the euro, we call on you to hold on to your national currency. Because if you don't, you will enslave your country for generations to come.

Recovery from the economic and social damage done to your country by the chemical and pharmaceutical cartel and its Brussels policy bureau will not be immediate. But with your national currency, you at least have the chance to preserve your country's independence and your people's dignity through your efforts. Every day that you allow yourselves to be blackmailed any longer by the Brussels political commissars, you are obstructing the path to independence, economic recovery, and social peace in your country and for your children.

The people of Berlin, Germany, and Europe have woken up. We recognize that the Brussels EU is nothing more than the third attempt by the chemical and pharmaceutical cartel to subjugate the whole of Europe and turn it into an economic dictatorship.

I call out to all parties represented in the Brussels EU Parliament from Germany these are the CDU, SPD, FDP, Greens, and the Left Party: anyone who now continues to support the establishment of the dictatorship in Brussels, anyone who votes in the German parliament shortly for the transfer of decisive areas of financial sovereignty and other national rights to the political commissioners in Brussels, anyone who supports this decision to transfer rights, national rights to commissioners who can neither be elected nor voted out of office, will not survive politically.

The people of Europe will not accept the attack on democratic rights that you, Mrs. Merkel, and the other political traders of the cartel have carried out over centuries.

I call out to the people of Berlin, twice in history, that unspeakable suffering has emanated from this city for the whole world. We say to the political decision-makers in the Berlin Chancellery and the Reichstag: not again, not with us.

We say to the people of Europe: Do not believe any politician who promises you that by submitting to the conditions of the Brussels EU Commission, you could achieve freedom from economic constraints, preserve the dignity of the people of your country, and usher in economic recovery. The opposite is the case.

When the political henchmen of the cartel in Brussels and in your capitals talk about more democracy, they mean the establishment of their dictatorship.

When you talk about more prosperity, you do not mean the prosperity of the people but the profits of the chemical, pharmaceutical, and oil cartels and the banks.

And when you talk about securing peace in Europe, you are already actively engaged in military operations on several continents to ensure the cartel's claim to world domination.

Now that the pharmaceutical cartel's fraudulent scheme has become open for all to see, it is only a matter of time before the people of the world call those responsible for the chemical and pharmaceutical business and their henchmen to account.

Of course, the status quo representatives, i.e., the ruling economic and political interest groups, are also aware of this, and they are afraid. This fear makes them unpredictable, even dangerous. That is why we must also address another critical aspect.

History from the transition from the Middle Ages to modern times has taught us that the status quo does not shy away from dragging entire continents into the abyss when its rule is threatened. Four hundred years ago, kings and princes worried about their feudal privileges plunged Europe into war in desperate attempts to preserve their forms of rule and benefits.

In vain.

The world's people had decided to leave these medieval conditions behind and begin the modern era. Today, it will also prove to be a delusion if the investment circles around the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and their political henchmen believe that they can delay their demise by starting a conflagration somewhere on earth, for example, a nuclear war.

We say it to Sarkozy and other politicians who are publicly threatening a nuclear first strike: the plan to continue the cartel's rule over our planet with the martial law of a third world war is no longer an option as of today. Your motives and plans have become recognizable, comprehensible, and public for all to see, and they are no longer enforceable.

We call out to the people of France: Whoever votes for Sarkozy in the upcoming elections in France is voting for a politician who will enforce the interests of the chemical and pharmaceutical cartel by force of arms, even below the threshold of nuclear war. Whoever votes for Sarkozy is voting for war. And anyone who campaigns for Sarkozy, such as the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, is jointly responsible for such a war.

That is why I am calling on the people of Germany, also with a view to next year's federal elections: Do not vote for accomplices of warmongers. These days, the world is also looking anxiously at the Middle East. Many politicians are pointing to Iran's nuclear program as the cause of this crisis. But hardly anyone is talking about Benjamin Netanyahu. He is not only the Israeli Prime Minister but also the country's Minister of Health, i.e., responsible for the entire national pharmaceutical budget with close ties to the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. There is a dangerous link here in the hands of a single politician between the pharmaceutical investment business, which is struggling to survive, and the order to use nuclear weapons.

This is not about taking sides unilaterally to make a nuclear first strike much more difficult or even impossible. We must address these issues openly, because if we do not, these forces will undoubtedly try to torpedo the liberation of humanity from cancer and other widespread diseases that is now possible by all means.

The tasks ahead of us to free ourselves from these widespread diseases require our total commitment. We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted by those forces that want to continue to subjugate the human body as a marketplace worth billions.

Let us realize that these forces cannot survive because they lack morals, ethics, or credibility. For us, it is now about ending entire epidemics of widespread diseases.

It is about building a new healthcare system geared towards preventing and eliminating diseases worldwide.

We call on the world's people to help us with this historic task, and our goals are clearly defined.

We are determined to save millions of lives from cancer and other largely preventable diseases.

We are determined to end the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical fraud business that thrives on maintaining diseases as markets for patented drugs.

We are determined to use the funds thus freed up - tens of trillions of euros in the next few years alone - to tackle humanity's most urgent problems.

These include hunger, disease epidemics, illiteracy, mass unemployment, environmental protection, and other global challenges.

We are determined to stand up to our children and grandchildren and say that we got involved when we saw the full extent of the pharmaceutical scam. Indifference was no longer an option.

We were committed to handing you a healthy, peaceful, and just world for future generations.

As a scientist who was able to make a decisive contribution to ending the cancer epidemic that has now become possible, I also tell you that eliminating the cancer epidemic is only the beginning.

The research results of scientifically based natural healing methods that are already available make it clear that the medical application of these findings will reduce numerous widespread diseases to a fraction of their current level.

These include hardening of the arteries, i.e., arteriosclerosis with its complications of heart attack and stroke, high blood pressure, cardiac insufficiency, Diabetic circulatory disorders, osteoporosis, asthma, allergies, arthritis, immunodeficiency diseases, and common diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia.

By applying existing knowledge, significant medical advances can be made in all these diseases within this decade, bringing health and life to millions and saving billions in medical costs. But this breathtaking world without disease is not a gift because each of these diseases is a billion-dollar market.

We must get involved to create this world for ourselves and our children.


I invite you to learn about the extensive advances in science-based natural therapies for fighting cancer and other common diseases.

Also, inform yourself about the health policy connections you have read here. This knowledge will give you the strength to overcome the expected resistance in your environment.

Get involved in an existing initiative or start your group in your area to make your town cancer-free.

Let's tackle this historic task together. Only then will we be able to leave our children a world where they can live in dignity.

Let's do it.

Let's do it now.

This lecture also shows you crystal clear:

Good will triumph.

Once you have understood this and set yourself up accordingly, you will know every day anew and again and again:

The best is yet to come!

Here are the first articles on LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS on the subject of cancer:

The Cancer Lie — Cancer is not what Doctors say it is
Listen now

Cancer discoverer Dr. Alfons Weber - His destruction by the Bavarian State
Listen now

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