The HAARP File or Bad Northern Lights
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The HAARP File or Bad Northern Lights

LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS - The Podcast - 10
This article is an adaption of the article Die Akte HAARP by @Eckstein

, a German critical thinker, published Die Akte HAARP yesterday, which explains many things happening.

Over the past few days, I've been seething with frustration. I've noticed even the most critical voices here on Substack, sharing pictures of the northern lights with unbridled joy and excitement. This level of naivety is staggering, especially in the face of the unfolding events.

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The HAARP file - Northern Lights in Central Europe, natural spectacle or criminal experiments on all humans? Is there more to it than that? “Researchers” play God; whether people agree with experiments and unknown side effects is irrelevant.

Regrettably, we have witnessed research spiral out of control for years. Scientists can experiment without restraint, whether with human genes or with nature. No legal system appears to be able to rein them in, and the potential side effects are too vast to calculate.

We find ourselves in the new solar cycle 25, which commenced in 2020. Each cycle spans approximately 11 years, but the variations are significant. The sun has been unusually active lately, frequently unleashing powerful solar storms. A researcher with questionable motives might exploit this situation, as it provides a convenient cover for experiments, with the sun conveniently taking the blame.

If you look at the past of research with things like the atomic bomb*, then two things play the main role:

  • The number one interested party is always the military

  • Researchers, especially military researchers, do not have strong morals. They take every opportunity to try things out, some of them, always regardless of the consequences

* Important!!!

The US military dropped two atomic bombs EVEN THOUGH JAPAN HAD CAPITULATED THEM BEFORE!!!

Bestial researchers and military men used the war as an opportunity to test atomic bombs for the first time.

2,121 atomic bomb tests with which the (researchers) contaminated the earth were not enough.

Between 1945 and 1963, the USA, in particular, carried out many atomic bomb tests in the high atmosphere (operations: Argus, Hardtack, Fishbowl, Starfish). On the one hand, they destroyed a lot of electronics with an electromagnetic pulse. On the other hand, they created an artificial Van Allen belt. The climate zone in the USA has shifted by several hundred miles.

You may think about the Pope whatever you want (he is NOT a representative of God), but you always have to listen carefully to people like that. When the war in Ukraine began, he said a warning in his original voice:

"Wars are always times to try out new weapons.”

Kissinger, a Nobel Prize-winning mass murderer, emphasized at every chance that it is the duty of politicians to use modern methods in an emergency.

The Announcement of a test series for Alaska happened on 05/02/2024

And lo and behold, the northern lights were visible not only in Alaska but all the way to Central Europe, all over the United States, and at many other places of the world.!

That happens constantly!

An Announcement that artificial lighting will occur from the tests in November 2023 says:

Alaskans and visitors may be able to see an artificial airglow in the sky created by the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program during a four-day research campaign that starts Saturday.

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Why are these experiments so dangerous?

Or are they not experiments at all?

1. Schumann resonance

They play with the ionosphere. The ionospheric charge influences the Schumann resonance of the earth. The three main frequencies are 7.84 Hz, 14 Hz, and 21 Hz.

8 Hz vibration IS THE MAIN FREQUENCY of our brain. The earth's frequency IS THE ACTUATOR for our brain. If the frequency and intensity change, our brain adapts to this frequency. This can trigger depressive mental numbing, lethargy, and even aggression.

The global human consciousness exceeds the average scale in the experimental period massively.

We must assume that the researchers have massively intervened in our conscious and subconscious minds or are experimenting massively with them.

Since the measured values of global consciousness even exceed the measurement scale, the researchers have demonstrably intervened in our consciousness and subconsciousness.

Source: HeartMath

Effects of frequencies on the brain

LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS is a reader-supported publication. My German readers helped me to become a bestseller. Now, my English readers will help me take the next step. Thank you to YOU!

2. Influence of the weather

HAARP and other installations (the EU has EISCAT) can be used to change the weather, the jet stream, the general weather, and the climate.

3. Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions

HAARP and other installations (the EU has EISCAT) can trigger earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The monitored events for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are significantly more between May 8 and 10!

Graphic volcanic eruptions

Graphic earthquakes

4. Intervention and alteration of the earth's magnetic field

The Earth's magnetic field is not isolated. There is an interaction between the solar magnetic field and the Earth's magnetic field. The side effects of interventions are unclear. Enormous amounts of solar radiation are sucked in at the pole. This inevitably has an effect on the earth's core and the energy processes there.

The measurement data show that the earth's magnetic field was manipulated by categories (red columns) above the normal value.

The picture gives an impression of Earth's magnetic field (which applies to every magnet). Brief description of what is illustrated in the picture:

  1. Two vortices at the magnetic poles

  2. The earth's vortices wobble like pudding under the influence of the magnetic fields from the sun, etc.

  3. The field is weakest at the equator

  4. At the equator, the rotation of the magnetic spin reverses (Bloch Wall called ). The magnetic field strength is 0 there.
    Bloch Wall model:

Scalar Wave Science Fair Projects

a) Charged atmospheric molecules are hardly affected

b) Molecules rise/fall at the north and south poles (they are also magnetic) depending on the charge in the atmosphere and the Earth's magnetic pole

  1. In the Earth's core, the magnetic fields are concentrated on a small point

  2. The Earth's magnetic field is never constant. It pulsates due to interactions with all magnetic fields from space

Polar vortex in reality

Here it is claimed that the climate changes the polar vortex. Since it is an electromagnetic effect, it should be clear that temperature is not an electromagnetic effect.

Last on the subject of magnetic vortices

The field lines do not run in a straight line between the poles. They are shaped like an S, like an S-spiral, as shown in the picture.

LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS is a reader-supported publication. My German readers helped me to become a bestseller. Now, my English readers will help me take the next step. Thank you to YOU!

5. Climate change propaganda

Climate change propaganda is the perfect stage to cover up all these experiments. In addition, it further exacerbates the fearmongering of people around the world.

Again, we must emphasize that there are plenty of facilities around the world to tamper with the ionosphere, including interactions:



Therefore, not a single climate hacker knows what is happening.

For the current hegemon, they are just a sociological plaything. They are fearful and ideologically manipulable. Since fear activates the human survival program and presents flight or aggression, these parts of the human communities are in psychosis, as we have been experiencing since 2019 (F4F, Extinction Rebellion, Last Generation, Scientists4Future, ...).

The mainstream media, apparently of the same type, is not providing information. Things continue straight away in the courts, where the security-minded people gather. The majority of people remain clueless. This is fatal because if this uninformed majority were educated, this bestial idea would immediately end.

Meanwhile, the hegemon continues its devastation:

  • Destruction of the economy

  • Destruction of nature with wind turbines and solar fields

  • Destruction of food security

  • Destruction of the monetary system to initiate the currency reform towards the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)

  • Structure of the digital prison from A-Z

  • Mental and health destruction of the people (fear & industrial consumption)

The hegemon does nothing without making a business out of it because that's what they need to pay, corrupt and bribe the elites.

LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS is a reader-supported publication. My German readers helped me to become a bestseller. Now, my English readers will help me take the next step. Thank you to YOU!

Final speculation

We are seeing several of the world's hegemons fighting for world power.

Until recently, one was the leader and its set of rules is called the "rules-based order.”

However, the hegemons have distributed powers and orchestrated organs. When the hegemons are at war, collateral damage doesn't matter. A few psychopaths are at work here who are in no way capable of feeling anything. They take pleasure in suffering. The book Political Ponerology describes the background of this.

Current hegemon:

  • Spiritual power > Vatican City

  • Military power > Washington DC

    • Bodies: intelligence services, military, NSA, CIA, CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), NATO

  • Financial power > London City Corporation

    • Bodies FED, BIS, World Bank, IMF

  • Food power > WHO, IPCC, WMO

  • Economic power > UPU, ILO, WTO, WEF, G7, G20


  • Spiritual power > Orthodoxy, multiple national religions

  • Military power > CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization)

  • Financial power > BRICS

  • Food power > BRICS

  • Economic power > BRICS, SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization)

In my opinion, we are in a war of the worlds, and here, as the Pope has indicated and Kissinger has warned, new weapons are being tried out.

These are:

  • “Viruses”, or other constructed Trojan horses

  • "Vaccinations"

  • Ionospheric manipulation

    • Weather

    • Volcanic eruptions

    • Earthquakes

    • Mental manipulation of people

    • Food crisis

The conventional war in Ukraine, as in the Middle East, is pure folklore, profiteering, etc., but above all, a distraction from the REAL weapons mentioned. The northern lights may still be a nice spectacle of nature, but we must see it as a warning signal from a hegemon: "Look, I have new weapons against which no herb can grow. Don't overdo it; otherwise, I'll be forced to use them.”

Don't believe this information, check everything yourself. This information can only give impulses and connect impulses. This information refers to facts and sources from all over the world.

But there is good news. We can fight these lunatics and take care that they will lose. And that means:

The best is yet to come!

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